Thrower Portrait: Fred Declercq
Worum eso höch ?   (Tibor Horvath)

Thrower Portrait: Fred Declercq


      Name: Frederic Declercq
Geburtsdatum: April 9th, 1982
Beruf: Engineer in Microtechnology

1. Warum wirfst Du Bumerangs und wie bist Du dazu gekommen ?

I discovered boomerangs for the first time at school, at the age of 11. We fabricated our first boomerang, but nobody knew how to throw. Since I was very curious, I continued to try until I finally succeded to throw and catch correctly. In 1997, with a few two-bladed wooden boomerangs, I registered to the Swiss Boomerang Championship in Burgdorf. Since that day...I cannot stop! I discovered a wonderful competitive sport with very interesting and friendly people.

2. Wo und wie oft wirfst Du, hast Du ein geeignetes Feld ?

I usually practice on a football field in my town or on the field of the Swiss Championship in Lausanne. I train a few hours a week.

3. Mit welchen Materialien arbeitest Du und welche Werkzeuge kommen dabei zum Einsatz ?

Aussie-Round: Wood 5mm, GFK 3mm & Pertinax 4mm
Trick-catch: Pertinax 2,5mm
Accuracy, Fast-catch, Endurance: Polypro & Nylon.
I do all of my booms with an electric tool, and then I correct them on the field.

4. Was ist Deine Lieblingsdisziplin und warum ?

I used to prefer trick-catching and MTA, but now I love almost every event, for different reasons. Recently I also started to throw long distance and I love it.

5. Was sind Deine grössten Erfolge ?

What I am very proud about is having participated to three World Cups with the Swiss Team, and having been twice on the final podium. In individual my best result is a second place in Fast-catch at the World Cup in Melbourne, Australia.

6. Wie siehst Du die Schweizer Bumerang Szene ?

Unfortunately we do not have many throwers in Switzerland. However, we have a few young throwers, and also some very strong throwers, including Manuel Schutz, the best thrower ever to my opinion.

7. Wie siehst Du die Zukunft unseres Sportes und welche Wünsche dazu hast Du ?

I hope that we'll have a few more throwers in the future, or at least as many as today. On any competitions I have been to, I always threw in a very friendly athmosphere. I also wish this will continue and I am sure it will.

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